This afternoon our Pastor and Deacons met to discuss how we should proceed moving forward, now that the Shelter In Place order is due to expire later this week. In that meeting it was decided that we should reopen all regular services of the church, maintaining proper social distancing and sanitation practices, starting Sunday, June 14. Those who have medical conditions which would place them at risk should seek medical advice and use their judgement on whether to attend or not. If you are sick, stay home and let us know how we can pray for you. We will continue to broadcast Sunday School, Sunday Morning Worship, Sunday Evening Worship, and Wednesday Prayer Meeting online. Our regular weekly schedule will return to:
10:00 am - Sunday School
11:00 am - Sunday Morning Worship
6:30 pm - Discipleship Training
7:15 pm - Sunday Evening Worship
7:00 pm - Prayer Meeting
Services will be broadcast LIVE on